Archive for weather

I’ve been remiss

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on December 4, 2009 by gavinmstone

Its Friday night after a long week, the first Auckland Tweetup is in progress and I’m at home, having a wine. It’s not that I didn’t want to attend, its just that the weather is shocking (Actually quite disturbing) and I’m quite looking forward to a relaxing night at home. There is the soft chatter of children mixed with the heavy drumming of rain from above, the wind is whipping up a storm and the sails are flapping madly. It’s one of those hot chocolate and fireplace nights, but I don’t have either.
The week has gone well though, my crews at work have done a fantastic job and we are now set up well for the new year. My writing took a back seat this week, but there is so much on the tip of my tongue just itching for some pen-on-paper time, I’ll get to it this week, perhaps
So goodnight to all, stay safe, be well.